
Thursday 9 September 2010

Walk to Pluck Lake & Back

At Lake Pluck.
I cross over from the pathway to the old disused railway tracks that run parallel to the Pluck. There isn't much about so I hang a left and go into the area that surrounds the lake. There are loads of earthballs around but curiously not much else so simply take the path to the wooded side.

Below L-R; Scleroderma citrinum and Lycoperdon perlatum.

It's not until I reach the wooded area that things pick up again. There are Russula Ochroleuca everywhere I look and have become so ubiquitous to my eyes now, that I hardly take any notice of them but occasionally I find one that is in perfect condition and can't help but admire it's simplicity.
To my surprise Amanita rubescens/The Blusher is still producing fruitbodies but nothing in terms of quantity like previously. I think their fruiting season is almost at an end.

This isn't the only Amanita here today. I'm quite astonished to find, for the first time ever, Amanita muscaria/Fly Agaric here too. It's a wonderful visual contrast when one sees this mushroom standing out against the forest greens and umbers.
A couple of weeks ago I found an Amanita vaginata/Grisette here too. To find one Amanita here is good but three is quite amazing, Well amazing to me.

It's not the only surprise I have. I find a Cortinarius for the first time too. I can't identify which one however and I ponder if I will be able too as well since they are, at times, notoriously hard to identify..

There are quite a few other species here but I've recorded them in the last two weeks so take no notice. I'm still a bit stunned by seeing Fly Agaric mind. Even if it's just the three I saw. I wonder if there may be more soon. I'll have to come back next week.

The Walk Back Home
Leaving the Pluck I take the time to pass an area of lawn laid down by a new housing development. I'd found a fairy ring of Lycoperdon pratense/Meadow Puffballs here but couldn't photograph it, (It was raining hard). The ring is still, more or less there and the mushrooms have released their spores.

I take the path back home and on the off chance come across a Russula that I don't think is R betularum, due to it's colour and slight pink stain on the stipe. (see below).

Apart from what I encountered earlier I find little but I've found enough today. I have a quick look around the foxhole area and apart from discovering a shelter sans occupant there is only a crust that gets my attention.

There's also lots of Tar-spot around too.

Just as I'm 10 minutes away from home the skies open up with a very heavy shower and luckily for me, I've taken a brolly. It's odd seeing the blue sky on the horizon whilst being drenched but after a very productive foray (over 30 species), I don't really care but I'm glad for the cup of tea when I do get home.

Pluck Lake
  • Sullius leteus/Slippery Jack
  • Sullius grevillei/Larch Bolete
  • Tricholomoposis rutilans/Plums & Custard
  • Amanita muscaria/Fly Agaric
  • Amanita rubescens/The Blusher
  • Postia stiptica/Bitter Bracket
  • Polyporus leptocephalus/Blackfoot Polypore
  • Hypholoma fasciculare/Sulphur Tuft
  • Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca/False Chanterelle
  • Cortinarius (Unidentified)
  • Russula ochroleuca/Ochre Brittlegill
  • Lycoperdon pratense/Meadow Puffball (=Vascellum pratense)
Foxhole area
  • Rhytisma acerinum/Tar-spot fungi
  • Boletus pulverulentus/Inkstain Bolete
  • Parasola plicatilis/Pleated Inkcap
  • + 1 unidentified crust

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