The first foray of the GFG was at Afan Argoed today. It was very productive and we found many mushrooms from many genus. Fortunately the weather, whilst overcast, was kind and it didn't rain.
In the car park alone were Incoybe, Hebeloma, Helvella crispa, some crusts and a jelly fungus. The woods here are a mixture of pine and broad leaf trees. The paths we took led us to find Lactarius and Russula and some species of fungi I've not seen before but some of which I've identified such as Cudoniella acicularis/Oakpin Fungi. something I've not seen before.
We found Laccaria laccata/ The Deceiver but especially Laccaria amethystea/Amethyst Deceiver. It's gorgeous purple colour stood out. Last time I saw that fungi was five years ago and 80 miles west, down in Pembrokeshire.
Tomorrow I'll identify as many as I can.. Below are some photos of what we found.
Hypholoma fasciculare/Sulphur Tuft
Lactarius glyciomus/Coconut Milkcap
Calocera viscosa/Yellow Staghorn
Helvella Crispa/White Saddle
I've found some fungi growing by the path on the taff trail near abercynon, don't know what they are similar in type to waxcap I've seen can't find anywhere to leave the photo I took