Strangely, there were two small diggers tearing up the soil, which surely has damaged the earth and crushed fungi. I guess they were making pathways. The wood is a mud bath so I'm glad I took my wellies. There's already plenty of ramps for mountain bikers to fling themselves into the air.
What I did find was fungi on wood: Panellus stipticus/Bitter Oysterling (below), Stereum hirsutum/Hairy Curtaincrust and some Postia stiptica/Bitter Bracket.
On the golf course there's a large fairy ring, made from Marasmius oreades/Fairy Ring Champignon.
Further down the pathway there's some Hebeloma crustuliniforme/Poisonpie (below), in the banks and further along the path in the grass some other mushrooms.
Hygrocybe persistens.
Clitocybe gibba/Common Funnel.
Conocybe tenera.
Clyne Wood 13-9-10
Panellus stipticus/Bitter Oysterling
Stereum hirsutum/Hairy Curtaincrust
Postia stiptica/Bitter Bracket
Marasmius oreades/Fairy Ring Champignon.
Hebeloma crustuliniforme/Poisonpie
Laccaria laccata/The Deceiver
Lyophyllum descates/Chicken Mushroom/Clustered Domecap
Clitocybe gibba/Common Funnel
Russula sanguinaria
Melanoleuca polioleuca
Conocybe tenera
1 Inocybe & 1 Russula
1 unknown
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