I found a few things here today but first of all I had to conquer a slight self conciousness I have about appearing to vanish into the bushes for no apparent reason as cars drive by. Last year a car stopped and someone actually asked me what I was 'up to'. As if they had nothing better to do on a busy road.
There's a variety of trees and grassy areas, some of which are slighty boggy. This road isn't used by pedestrians much and so the mushrooms tend to grow undisturbed.
In the past I've found several species of fungi here: Cortinarius, Russula, Mycena, Tricholoma, Stropharia, Hygrocybe, Lactarius to name just a few.
Before I started I found many Fly Agarics down Kilvey Road. This mushroom never fails to excite me and I'm glad that this area has now been colonised by this fungi.
I find mostly Cortinarius but I also find a new Russula species I've never seen before: Russula aeruginea/Green Russula. The photos of it below don't really do it justice as the green is a subtle olive/terra verte shade.
What do fungi look like?
Fungi look like thin filaments called hyphae. The photo below shows dense white threads in the soil. When hyphae lenghten they become what's called mycelium. These are hyphae that's basically woven together into something denser. As the fungi grows so the mycelium spreads. In 'fairy rings', the fungi is growing outwards, like a ripple over water.
When the fungi is ready to reproduce, certain hyphae in charge of reproduction bond together to create a mushroom. Sometimes when you pick a mushroom the mycelium can still be attached to it's base.
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