Even though I have a bit of a cold I go up Kilvey for a quick look around.
From where I am, I can see smoke coming from somewhere near the summit so some one has set fire to the trees again. The damage already done has been pretty bad this year and it's a depressing sight to see. It also makes me angry and I'm in two minds about going up but go anyway because while I'm not concerned by the fire I don't fancy encountering the people who may have started it.
On the way there I find a few Leccinum scabrum/Birch Boletes still fruiting. This year they have been few in numbers but constant, for two months at least and also quite large.
There is the odd Russula ochroleuca but I expect if I went to the transmitters I would find dozens as they carpet the hill for a few months.
There is another Russula here. It looks like Russula emetica/the Sickener and there a quite a few all closely together, in stages of fruiting and condition: the hot weather and slugs have taken their toll on some specimens. I take two to identify later.
The smoke from the fires above wafts down so I decide to call it a day but have a quick look on the opposite side of pentre-chwyth road where there are still Russula betularum and Paxillus involutus about. These two fungi have been fruiting constantly for the last two months in great numbers.
Kilvey Hill. 31-8-10
Tricolomoposis rutilans/Plums and Custard
Russula ochreleuca/Ochre brittlegill
Russula emetica/The Sickener
Suillus grevellei/Larch bolete
Leccinum scabrum/Birch bolete
Russula betularum/Birch Brittlegill
Paxillus involutus/Brown Rollrim
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